This is an open thread for paid subscribers of the newsletter.
This is a relatively small group (<50 out of >1500 subscribers) for now, but it is a group with a disproportionate impact on keeping this blog going! There are some perks to being a paid subscriber (see below). However, I suspect most of you are here because you wish to support this newsletter and its mission, and for that I am truly grateful.
We have enough critical mass to experiment with this format. You can use this open thread for a variety of purposes. You can introduce yourself, if you like. You can ask me any questions. You can share any feedback you have regarding the blog or ideas about how to improve it. You can share any recent interesting work you’ve come across. Or you can promote anything that you are involved with or have produced, such as a book, article, organization, website, blog, etc.
Some of the perks that paid subscribers have:
You can comment on all posts
There are paid subscriber only posts, usually book excerpts (such as this and this) and a regular list of notable weblinks and recommendations.
Open threads for paid subscribers will continue (in addition to any open threads for subscribers generally).
I may experiment with early access for paid subscribers for some selected posts.