Thank you for this piece. It merits rereading at least once. I have no doubt it resonates strongly for many people either with family members with SMI or who navigate their own SMI. I am truly sorry for difficulty of the journey you have had to navigate with your daughter.
I’m not surprised that you don’t want to take on Texas for the foreseeable. But you did a lot and people saw and heard you, so none of it was in vain. Everyone gets burnt out when pushing boundaries, and that’s the time to take some time out for a bit of self care and realise that other people also need to share this endeavour. It’s not something you can do all by yourself. Thank you for sharing this, I will be restacking it to others who care about this issue. I’m a person in recovery who has experienced psychosis, and I can also recommend the blogs Navigating Schizophrenia, The Manic Messiah, and Mat Poehler’s blog about Schizoaffective Disorder, among others. We are also trying to create a little supportive community on here to push for better understanding and outcomes 🫂
This is an excellent and thoughtful article.
Thank you for this piece. It merits rereading at least once. I have no doubt it resonates strongly for many people either with family members with SMI or who navigate their own SMI. I am truly sorry for difficulty of the journey you have had to navigate with your daughter.
I’m not surprised that you don’t want to take on Texas for the foreseeable. But you did a lot and people saw and heard you, so none of it was in vain. Everyone gets burnt out when pushing boundaries, and that’s the time to take some time out for a bit of self care and realise that other people also need to share this endeavour. It’s not something you can do all by yourself. Thank you for sharing this, I will be restacking it to others who care about this issue. I’m a person in recovery who has experienced psychosis, and I can also recommend the blogs Navigating Schizophrenia, The Manic Messiah, and Mat Poehler’s blog about Schizoaffective Disorder, among others. We are also trying to create a little supportive community on here to push for better understanding and outcomes 🫂
Wonderful piece, thank you so much for writing it. Reading it made me think that your daughter is very lucky to have you as her father
Thank you so much!
Thank you for sharing this!